Liposuction, a Brief Introduction
Dr. Giorgio Fischer, a gynecologist, invented liposuction in Rome, Italy. The procedure was performed there for four years before Dr. Illouz, a plastic surgeon from Paris, France began treating patients in 1978. Finally, amid much fanfare, the procedure made its way to the U.S. in 1982. At this time, liposuction was done only under general anesthesia. In addition, the technology was not good. Patients had significant bleeding and there were several complications and even deaths.
However, in 1985, dermatologist Dr. Jeffrey Klein invented what has become known as the Tumescent Technique. This method of liposuction allows the selective numbing of large areas of subcutaneous fat by local anesthesia. The technique uses a special formula of sterile dilute salt water, adrenaline, lidocaine and bicarbonate to enlarge fatty tissues for easier penetration of the suctioning wand (cannula).
This reduces trauma to the area and the solution reduces pain, bleeding and complications. Using the tumescent technique, liposuction had its first major revolution in that it could then be done in the office under local anesthesia and was incredibly safe. In fact, a recent study of 15,000 cases using the tumescent technique showed no major complications.
Dr. Joffrey – Instruction of Laser Liposuction
Dr. Joffrey who learned tumescent liposuction from the pioneers of liposuction, uses tumescent anesthesia on all cases. General anesthesia is NEVER used and all procedures are done in the office. Moreover, Dr. Joffrey is part of the new generation of liposuction surgeons who is creating a new revolution in liposuction surgery. He is a national instructor of laser liposuction and has patented what many experts call the greatest advancement in liposuction since the tumescent technique, WaterLipo®.
WaterLipo® – The Gentle Liposuction Technique
WaterLipo® is the newest technology in minimally invasive, permanent fat removal. It is done in the office without general anesthesia or IVs. WaterLipo® uses a gentle stream of water to dislodge fat that is then gently washed out of the body. The result is the safest, most effective fat removal system available today. And, because fat is washed out instead of scraped out like with all other liposuction techniques, the results are incredibly smooth and natural appearing.
The Evolution of Laser Lipo
Laser liposuction and WaterLipo® expert, trainer, and innovator
Until recently, laser liposuction was the latest advance in body contouring, fat removal and skin tightening. Laser liposuction machines have been produced by many companies including Cynosure with the popular SmartLipo™ system and Sciton Aesthetic Laser Company. In fact, the sheer number of lasers on the market create a tremendous amount of confusion for the typical person interested in learning about laser liposuction. The truth is that there is, in fact, very little difference between most of these lasers when you look at them only by their company name.
Multiple Laser Lipo Wavelengths – Optimal Results
Dr. Joffrey looks not at the name of the company when deciding what lasers to use for laser liposuction but rather the specific wavelengths that are emitted by those lasers. After all, the wavelengths are what help with the procedure, not the company name.
Currently, most laser liposuction surgeons agree that it is critical to use at least two different wavelengths during laser liposuction — the 1064 wavelength that is primarily for melting fat and the 1319 or 1320 wavelength which is used to tighten skin. When these wavelengths are blended, you will get the most out of laser liposuction. Otherwise, your procedure will not be optimized.
Dr. Joffrey – WaterLipo® expert, trainer, and innovator
Dr Joffrey, founder of the Seattle Liposuction Specialty Clinic, decided early in his career to focus his practice on cutting edge cosmetic liposuction techniques after he learned the tumescent technique from Dr. Jeffrey Klein, the inventor of the Tumescent Liposuction. Joffrey’s objective was to provide the safest, most contemporary, and minimally invasive cosmetic procedures.
As an early adapter of liposculpture techniques, instruments and applications, naturally Dr. Joffrey was at the forefront in laser technology. In fact, he now teaches physicians from around the world in laser liposuction techniques.
Dr. Joffrey is a believer in laser liposuction and uses it in his procedures. However, he found laser liposuction alone to be somewhat limiting in the amount of fat that can be removed. Laser liposuction is good at removing small amounts of fat (such as in the neck) but is better at tightening skin. However, he wanted to be able to help more patients get even better results by removing more fat and by doing it in an even more gentle way.
In 2010, Dr. Joffrey found and patented what he and many other physicians believe is the biggest breakthrough in liposuction technology in 30 years, WaterLipo®.
Until WaterLipo®, all other kinds of liposuction relied on the concept of crushing or melting fat and then sucking it away—both still somewhat traumatic. WaterLipo®, on the other hand, uses a gentle stream of water to literally dislodge fat that is then gently washed out of the body.
WaterLipo® is safer than traditional liposuction due to it being performed under local anesthesia using the tumescent technique and it is more effective at removing fat then laser liposuction alone.